On a trip to Tennessee visiting the Nashville Museum of African American Music, Alan and Malina Bacon, co-founders of GangGang, were inspired to create a year-round initiative. Rock n roll originated from African American music such as jazz, rhythm and blues, boogie-woogie, and gospel. The goal of GangGang’s project is to elevate awareness of rock’s Black architects and musicians such as Little Richard, Chuck Berry, Ike Turner, Bo Diddley and Fats Domino.

As major part of this initiative, GangGang brings Indiana’s first Black rock music festival on Saturday, May 18th, at the American Legion Mall in downtown Indianapolis. The festival, called I Made Rock n Roll, is designed to honor the true origins of rock ‘n’ roll and celebrate the ongoing legacy of Black rock music.


Interested in learning more about the Love One Another initiative? Visit the archives.
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