The After Party does the complex–but necessary–theological work of reframing a Christian political identity. Through a creative combination of brief video-based teachings, interactive exercises, and group discussions, the course recenters our politics on the person of Jesus Christ. 

With Jesus as our teacher, we explore three key Biblical truths about politics:

1. How vs What: Jesus teaches much more clearly about the “how” of political engagement than the “what” of specific parties, policies, or politicians. The Jesus “how” is aptly summarized by the Micah 6:8 triad of virtues: humility, mercy, and justice.

2. The True Us vs Them: The partisan mind divides humans with an “Us vs Them” mindset. This mentality opposes the “mind of Christ” that is rooted in the truth that Christ has created only an “Us” gathered around the cross. When we fall into the Us. vs. Them mentality in politics, we’ve been defeated by our true spiritual enemy, the dark “powers and principalities” that seek to divide humanity.

3. The After Party: Just like our true enemies are not “flesh and blood,” neither are they our saviors. Our deepest fears and hopes will never be answered by the victory of any political party or politician, but rather only by the wedding feast of the Lamb, which marks the return of our King Jesus.

The After Party will meet for 60-90 minutes:

  • Sunday, September 29, after worship
  • Sunday, October 27, after worship
  • Sunday, November 10, after worship (two sessions)
  • Sunday, November 17, after worship

This is an invitation to model the virtues of hope and humility, bearing Christian witness to a broken and bitterly divided world.