Boutique Sales

Talented members of Faith’s Boutique group handcraft items for the Christmas Bazaar and other occasions throughout the year. Income from the sales at those events boosts support of a variety of Mission Team organizations.

The Boutique group also makes a donation to Second Helpings which assists with hunger relief and culinary training.

The Annual Holiday Boutique will be held on Saturday, November 16, from 9 AM until 3 PM in the Fellowship Hall. We would love to have anyone share their talents and donate handmade items and/or baked goods. 

Donated items can be dropped off beginning Wednesday, November 13. Baked items should be brought to the church office on Friday, November 15, or to the kitchen early Saturday, November 16. We can use homemade pies, breads, cookies, candies or “your specialty.” 

Please contact Ramona or the church office if you can do any of the following: 

  • Donate craft items 
  • Donate for the Bake Shop 
  • Help with Sales: 9 AM to 1 PM or 1 PM to 3 PM


If you have questions, please contact Ramona Waddell.