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Essentials of Faith…
…is offered about four times a year, so those new to Faith can meet us and learn more about the church and so you can share your story and experience with us. We usually meet on Sundays, for a casual lunch and conversation.
The gatherings typically include:
- A chance to get acquainted and tell us about yourself
- Staff and members sharing why Faith is important to our lives
- An introduction to the ministries of caring available to members
- Brief presentations on:
- Opportunities to serve with and through Faith
- Basics of Presbyterian theology and practice
- How Faith Presbyterian Church is organized
- A tour of our facility
- Current programming and vision
Essentials of Faith is a necessary step in becoming a member of the congregation. It is, also, a good place to get acquainted with the congregation.
We try to design each Essentials of Faith to meet the needs and availability of those attending. You may be new to Jesus Christ or a lifelong Presbyterian! We want to provide you with the information and insight that will help you decide if participating or belonging to Faith is the right fit for your spiritual journey.
If you are interested in attending Essentials of Faith, look for announcements or contact the church office at 317-849-1930 or
How do I become a member of Faith?
People become members of Faith for different reasons. For some it is a quick and certain decision. Others take a long time to discover what effect membership in Faith would have. Some people just want to worship and participate, without making the commitment of membership. Either way, we are glad to have you as part of our congregation.
The first step to joining the congregation is to determine that being a member at Faith will contribute to your spiritual well-being and that you are able to contribute to our common life.
The second step is to attend Essentials of Faith. You may know that you want to join when you attend Essentials or you may continue to attend and participate for many months.
The third step, when you have discerned that you are ready to join Faith and have attended Essentials of Faith, then meet with the session for congregation and formal approval.
You may join Faith (or other Presbyterian churches) one of four ways:
- Letter of Transfer from another Christian congregation. This is for a person who comes to Faith as an active member of another church. Faith’s clerk of session will communicate with the appropriate entity at your former congregation.
- Reaffirmation of Faith. This is for a person who has been a member of congregation, but who has let his or her involvement and membership lapse.
- Public profession of faith. This is for person who has received the Sacrament of Baptism, but has never before been a member of a Christian congregation.
- The Sacrament of Baptism, received upon Public Profession of Faith.
All those joining Faith Presbyterian Church are presented by the session to the congregation during Sunday worship. Before the congregation, you profess your faith in Jesus Christ and your intention to be a faithful member. If the baptism is to be received it will happen at this time. The congregation welcomes the new members during worship and at a reception following.
A separate process if used for young people who are joining the church for the first time. The confirmation and commissioning process prepares those who are between 14 and 18 years old.
What does membership mean?
Faith Presbyterian Church invites into membership those who express faith in Jesus Christ and who believe that the ministries and people of Faith Presbyterian Church will help them to cultivate faithful relationships. Members are expected to continue to grow in their faith by worshipping regularly with the congregation, contributing financially to the congregation and participating with your time and talents.
Members are expected to participate in and vote at meetings of the congregation, which take place annually and when special business must be conducted. This means that members participate in deciding which members are elected to serve on session, board of deacons and nominating committees of the congregation. Members are, also, vote annually on the terms of calls (or compensation) of the pastors of the congregation and the purchase, sale or mortgaging of church property.
Members may, also, be called to serve on session, the board of deacons and nominating committee of the congregation.