As a child, I stood beneath a mulberry tree and saw the illuminating presence of God holding me and all of creation with love. I knew I wanted to share that experience with the people at First Presbyterian Church, Tonkawa, Oklahoma. Since then, I have seen many trees, lived a lot of places, and worshiped in hundreds of churches and it still gives me joy to share the presence of God. I was ordained as a teaching elder/minister in the Presbyterian Church (USA), in 1986, after receiving a Masters of Divinity from Yale Divinity School. My calling is to pastor congregations that are moving through times of transition and to equip the saints (that’s you!) for the work of ministry. I was installed as pastor/head of staff at Faith Presbyterian Church in 2010. My husband, Gene Shipman, a Presbyterian ruling elder when we married in 1991, is a great partner in ministry. We share two daughters, who are launching into young adulthood, four children from Gene’s first marriage and thirteen grandchildren. I run slowly to clear my thinking, do yoga inflexibly to center my spirit, and lift heavy weights because it feels good. Knowing “our chief end is to glorify and enjoy God forever” saved my life. I welcome the opportunity to hear your sacred story.
My hidden talent: I can pick out a great recipe by reading it.
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