Holy Baptism

The Sacrament of Holy Baptism…

…is a sign of God’s grace.  Through water and the Spirit, we are forgiven through Jesus Christ, become a member of the family of God, and receive gifts of the Holy Spirit.

Presbyterians practice both infant and adult – or believers – baptism.  We pour, sprinkle and immerse!  We believe that all who have been baptized in the name of the Triune God belong to Jesus Christ.  We do not re-baptize, however, at appropriate times, we reaffirm our baptismal covenant.  Baptism – except in extraordinary circumstances – is held before the congregation, which makes promises of support, care and prayer.  Session authorizes all baptisms before they even take place.

We baptize infants, because we know that God comes to us, before we are ready to respond to God.  A member of Faith may present an infant or child for the Sacrament of Baptism.  The adult believer reaffirms their baptismal covenant and promises, with the help of the congregation, to raise the child to know and worship Jesus Christ.

We baptize those who make a public profession of faith in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior, because we know that God’s calling demands our full response.  Children and adults, who are able to express their faith in Jesus Christ, are welcome to come to the waters of baptism.  With joy, the congregation welcomes a new believer into our shared ministry.