The faithful have always sung and made music to worship God. Music can express our praise, penitence, longing and gratitude when even words cannot.
Music is especially important to Faith Presbyterian Church! We have many accomplished professional and volunteer musicians who enhance our worship experience, brighten our spirits and help all ages know God’s goodness. We, also, hold events for the community that feature a wide range of musical styles.
W. Zimmer & Sons
Installed 2001
In 2001, Faith was blessed to be able to install our pipe organ, designed by Wilhelm Zimmer from North Carolina. Wilhelm is the grandfather of Cornel, another prominent organ builder in the USA. For more about the builder’s history click this link:
Pipe organs have been a part of worship since around 800 AD. Previously, only the human voice was allowed in worship, particularly in synagogues. Through the coming centuries, the organ would fall in and out of favor, depending on trends of the time. Still, organs keep coming back because of the nature of the sound which is very similar to the nature of human sound. For more history of pipe organs and the church click this link:
Subbass 16 M
Bourdon 16 B
Octave 8 N
Gedackt 8 B
Choral Bass 4 N
Fagott 16 F
Bassoon 16 L
Clarion 4 F
Great to Pedal 8
Swell to Pedal 8
Rohrflute 8 G
Gamba 8 H
Celeste TC 8 F
Principal 4 J
Nazard 2 2/3 K
Hohlflute 2 G
Nasat 1 1/3 K
Octavin 1 J
Bassoon 16 L
Hautbois 8 L
Chalumeau 4 L
Bourdon 16 B
Principal 8 A
Gedackt 8 B
Octave 4 C
Koppel Flute 4 B
Super Octave 2 C
Sesquialter II TC D
Mixture III-IV E
Trompet 8 F
Swell to Great 16
Swell to Great 8
Basis Stops
A. Principal 8 61 pipes
B. Bourdon-Ged-Kop-Wald 16 85 pipes
C. Octave 4 (1-49) 73 pipes
D. Sesquialter II TC 89 pipes
E. Mixture III-IV 232 pipes
F. Fagott-Trompet 16 73 pipes
G. Rohr-Hohlflute 8 85 pipes
H. Gamba 8 73 pipes
I. Celeste TC 8 49 pipes
J. Principal 4 73 pipes
K. Nazard 2 2/3 73 pipes
L. Bassoon-Hautbois 16 85 pipes
M. Subbass 16 32 pipes
N. Octave 8 44 pipes
Total: 1127 Pipes
6 Combinations each to Great/Pedal and Swell/Pedal, Thumb Piston
8 Generals, Thumb & Toe
Set & Cancel, Thumb
32 Digital Channel Memories
Illuminated Music Desk
Pedalboard Illumination
Key-switch for blower
Organist’s bench
Open-type console
Swell Pedal
Crescendo Pedal with indicator
The Band
A committed group of volunteer and professional musicians use their gifts to accompany the congregation’s singing at The Welcome Table. The band, also, presents a secular or Christian song that helps illuminate the message for the day.
The band is open to new members. Commitment to rehearsals on Wednesday and Sunday evening, as well as to worship, is needed. If you are interested, please speak with a member of the band.
The Chancel Choir
The Chancel Choir is an essential part of the worship service at Faith Presbyterian Church. We invite you to join talented singers and musicians as we sing praises Sunday mornings in the traditional service at 10:30 AM. We will train anyone who will commit to this service for our great Lord and Savior. All you need is a willingness to share your abilities.
The choir rehearses on Thursday nights from 7:00 PM to 8:20 PM. You can choose to sing throughout the season and/or you can choose to sing in just the special programs.
During the summer months the choir is in recess. In its place there are opportunities for many of our members to share their special musical talents—vocal, instrumental, solos, duets, or ensembles.
Handbell Choir
Our Handbell Choir consists of 3 octaves of bells and 2 octaves of choir chimes. The bells rehearse Tuesdays from 9:00 – 10:00 AM September through May and play about once a month at the traditional service. New volunteers are always appreciated! The director is Ley Anne Perkins.