The Lord’s Supper
The Sacrament of the Lord’s Supper…
… is celebrated monthly at morning worship services, usually the second Sunday of the month. The Lord’s Supper is an essential part of The Welcome Table.
At the Lord’s Supper we share the loaf and cup offered by Jesus to his disciples. We remember his sacrifice for us, are fed to be his body in the world, and look forward to the time when all people will be fed. It is a time of celebration, reflection, joy and preparation.
The table of our Lord is open to all who believe in him. Knowing that Jesus welcomed the children and the grace of God is offered before we can comprehend it, all children who have been baptized are invited to receive the elements.
The Lord’s Supper…
…can be offered in different ways. Sometimes the congregation comes forward, takes a piece of bread to be dipped in the cup. At the traditional service, the congregation is typically served in their seats, from trays of bread and small cups.
In Presbyterian tradition, we use grape juice, instead of wine. Recognizing special needs, we offer a gluten free option for the bread.
If you have questions about participating in communion or its meaning, please contact Pastor Charlotte Lohrenz @ 317-849-1930 or